Click counter
Publié le 13 juillet 2015 | Par adminblog | Commenter
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<?php /* Name: hits counter Description:it's a simple hit counter which keeps track your visitor to the site ,it also keeps count of the perticular ip and its count,it also keeps the last visited page */ ## before using this code you must make the following table in your database #Table name: stats # fields: Ipaddress(varchar(150)),host(varchar(150)),browser(varchar(150)),referer(varchar(150)),filename(varchar(150)). # table name: hits # fields: ipaddress(varchar(150)),count(int(11)) ############################################### global $dblink,$PHP_SELF; $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); $host = getenv("HTTP_HOST"); $browser = getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT"); $referer = getenv("HTTP_REFERER"); $sql = "SELECT ipaddress FROM stats WHERE ipaddress = '$ip'"; #### TO DO ###################### # make the connection to your database here $result = @mysql_query($sql, $dblink); $num = mysql_num_rows($result); if( $num == 0 ) { $sql ="INSERT INTO stats(ipaddress,host,browser,referer,filename) VALUES('$ip', '$host', '$browser', '$referer','$PHP_SELF')"; $result=mysql_query($sql,$dblink); $sql1="INSERT INTO hits(ipaddress,count) VALUES('$ip',1)"; $result1=@mysql_query($sql1,$dblink); $text="you had a new visitor from IP: $ip, Host: $host Browser: $browser Referer: $referer"; if ($result) { mail("", "You had a new visitor",$text, "FROM:"); } }else{ $sql = "UPDATE hits SET count = count + 1 where ipaddress='$ip'"; $result =@mysql_query($sql, $dblink) ; $sql2 = "UPDATE stats SET filename ='$PHP_SELF' where ipaddress='$ip'"; $result2 =@mysql_query($sql2, $dblink) ; } ?> |
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